"I'm leaving him alone right now. He needs to time to breathe and grieve," she told UsMagazine.com at the NBC Universal's VIP party in Chicago on Wednesday. "Obviously I feel really bad for him and the situation," in reference to Hefner's fiancé, Crystal Harris breaking up with him five days before their weekend wedding.
Wilkinson did admit there was a small part of her that was a little happy about what happened. "But I'm also happy," Wilkinson, said. "She was going to get ready in my old room, you know the room that I got ready in for my wedding. So I'm happy that she left it alone."
Right after the news broke about Hefner's break up, Wilkinson turned to her Twitter page to show her ex some support. "@hughhefner we r comin over w some jack n coke... oh n a pipe lol," she tweeted.
The true story of what happened between Hefner and Harris is still murky. Early Wednesday morning, Harris told her side of the story on Ryan Seacrest's radio show, much to the amusement of Hefner who would rather keep his musings to 140 characters or less.
"Crystal did an interview with Ryan Seacrest this morning to explain everything, but I still don't have a clue," he tweeted.
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